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Hasnain Akram

Male, 25 Years
  • Mobile Verified
  • Email Verified
Hourly Fees: SAR 15
  • hasxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx
  • +96xxxxxxxxxx
  • 6 years of teaching experience
  • Az Zahra, Jeddah
  • Last Login: 1 month ago
  • Registered: 25 Dec, 2024
  • Teaches online: Yes
  • Teaching Time: As per Student's Needs
  • Offer Demo Class: Yes
  • Has Vehicle: No
  • Speaks: English

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Post Requirement

Hasnain Akram

Top-Quality Education in Chemistry, Computer, English & Math




I have more than 6 years of experience as a professional teacher. I received 90% marks in grade 12 and 88% marks in grade 10. My first priority is to satisfy my students. I can teach Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and English. I have a command of these subjects.


I have more than 6 years of experience as a professional teacher. I received 90% marks in Grade 12 and 88% marks in Grade 10. My first priority is to satisfy my students. I can teach Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and English. I have a strong command of these subjects.


Prince Sultan Road, An Naim, Al Mashfa Hospital, Az Zahra, As Safa, As Salamah, Ash Shati, Red Sea Mall, Ar Rabwah, Al Mohmmediah

Teaches Teaches

Special Education:
Special Education:
Learning Disabilities
Computer Subjects:
Computer Subjects:
Mechanics, Statistics, Computer Basics, Control Systems, Dynamics, Internet & Email, MS Excel, MS Outlook, MS PowerPoint / PPT, MS Word, Probability
Elementary School:
Elementary School:
English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies
English Speaking:
English Speaking:
Graduate Programs:
Graduate Programs:
Chemistry, English, Mathematics, Physics, Science, Social Studies, Statistics, Civil Engineering, Engineering Math, Management, Thermodynamics
Intermediate School:
Intermediate School:
English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies
Pre School:
Pre School:
Preparatory Year:
Preparatory Year:
Chemistry, English, Mathematics, Physics, Science, Social Studies, Sociology, Statistics, Islamic Studies
Secondary School:
Secondary School:
Chemistry, Computer, English, Mathematics, Physics, Science, Social Studies

Online Tutoring Online Tutoring

Online Tools:
Online Tools:

Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Team, Skype

Hourly Fees:
Hourly Fees:

SAR 15