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If you're looking for Speaking tutors, we can help. Our platform connects you with professional Speaking tutors near your location at an affordable cost. Meet some of our Speaking tutors in Khobar below. Browse their profiles to check their tutoring experience, qualifications, rates, teaching modes, ratings, reviews and other details and start in-person or online Speaking lessons at an affordable cost.
Efficient, effective one-to-one tutoring with 3 years of experience in teaching.
Expert Tutor: English, Math, Science, Social Studies by Hamza Iqbal
Being a teachers my aim to create love for my subject Mathematics.
Providing online and offline tutoring with 4 years' experience
A growth mindset means I know that everything is difficult before they become easy.
I am pursuing my Bachelor's degree in Information Technology, and I am continuously updating my knowledge in any way possible.
Both home and online tutoring available for school and engineering college students